
Archive for March, 2016

The World’s Happiest PeoplePosted byon Mar 31, 2016

Do all Danes wake up to Pharell’s song ”Happy”? According to FN (De Forenede Nationer – United Nations), they probably should. The 2016 World Happiness Report once again kårer (elects) Denmark as verdens lykkeligste folk (the happiest people on earth), followed by Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Finland. Maybe it’s because Danes take so many lykkepiller (happiness…

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Danish in a Glass of BeerPosted byon Mar 26, 2016

Jeg stormed ud og købte øl / ja vintrens gamle stive føl / fór ud på grønne enge… Once you get it, you’ll see that only in Denmark would anyone sing about springtime kærlighed (love) with the words: I rushed out to buy beer / yeah, the old, stiff winter foals / darted out to…

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