
“If only we hadn’t parted, …”: Kazim Al-SahirPosted byon Nov 5, 2014 inArabic Language,Culture,Pronunciation

Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a beautiful love songأُغــْــنــِــيــَّــةby Kazim Al-Sahirكــَــاظــِـــم الــســَّــاهــِــر. The song is entitled “If only we hadn’t parted, ..لــَــوْ أنــَّــنــَــا لــَــمْ نــَــفــْــتــَــرِق“. It was written by the famous Egyptian poetشــَــاعــِـــرFarouk Gweedahفــَــارُوق جــُــويـــدة. Kazim Al-Sahir is used to composing most – if not all – of his songs. He is also keen on choosing the words and can modify some difficult words from famous poemsقــَــصــَــائــِــدby the poets he sings to. Today’s song is just a small part of a longer poem by the poet Farouk Gweedah. The song is about five minutes long and is in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) like most of Kazim Al-Sahir’s songs. The song was released in 2002 within Kazim’s albumأُلــْــبــُـــوم“两个情人的故事قــِــصــَّــة حــَــبــيــبــَــيــْــن“. It has a very beautiful music. I did the English translation of the song and I hope you will enjoy it.

لــــَــوْ أنــَّــنــَــا لــَــمْ نــَــفــْــتــَــرِق

/Law Anna’na Lam Naf’tariq/

If only we hadn’t parted, …

لــَــوْ أنــَّــنــَــا لــَــمْ نــَـــفــْـــتـــَــرِقْ

If only we hadn’t parted,

لــَــبــَــقــَـــيــْــتُ بــَــيــْــنَ يــَــدَيــْـــكِ طــِــفــْـــلاً عــَــابــِــثـــًا

我would have remained in your hands a playful child

وَ تــَـــرَكــْــتُ عــُــمــْـــريَ فــِــي لــَــهــِــيــبــِــكِ يــَــحــْــتــَـــرِقْ

And I would have left my days in your fire to burn

لــَــوْ أنــَّــنــَــا لــَــمْ نــَـــفــْـــتـــَــرِقْ

If only we hadn’t parted,

لـــَــبــَــقــَـــيــْــتُ بــَــيــْــنَ يــَــدَيــْـــكِ طــِــفــْـــلاً عــَــابــِــثـــًا

我would have remained in your hands a playful child

وَ تــَـــرَكــْــتُ عــُــمــْـــريَ فــِــي لــَــهــِــيــبــِــكِ يــَــحــْــتــَـــرِقْ

And I would have left my days in your fire to burn

لا تــَــســْـــألــِــي الــعــَـــيــْــنَ الــحــَـــزيــنـــَـــةَ كــَــيــْــفَ أدْمــَـــتــْــهــَـــا الــمــُــقــَـــلْ

Don’t ask the sad eye how it was left to bleed

لاتــَــســْـــألــِــيالــطــَّـــيــْــرَ الــشــَّـــريــدَ لأيِّ أســْـــبــَـــابٍ رَحــَـــلْ

Don’t ask the strayed birds why they have departed

لا تــَــســْـــألــِــي الــعــَـــيــْــنَ الــحــَـــزيــنـــَـــةَ كــَــيــْــفَ أدْمــَـــتــْــهــَـــا الــمــُــقــَـــلْ

Don’t ask the sad eye how it was left to bleed

لاتــَــســْـــألــِــيالــطــَّـــيــْــرَ الــشــَّـــريــدَ لأيِّ أســْـــبــَـــابٍ رَحــَـــلْ

Don’t ask the strayed birds why they have departed

رَغــْـــمَ الــرَّحــِــيــلِ .. رَغــْــمَ مــَــا فــَــعــَــلــَــتْ بــِــنـــَـــا الأيــَّـــامُ

Despite the departure and what the days have done to us,

قــَــلــْــبــِـــيَ لــَــمْ يــَــزَلْ يــَــحــْــيــَــا وَحــِـــيـــداً بــِــالأمــَـــلْ

My heart is still living alone with hope

أنــَــا يــَـــا حــَــبــيــبــَـــةَ كــُــلِّ أيــَّــامــِـــي قــَـــتــيـــلــُـــكِ فـــِــي الــهــَـــوى

O, love of my days, I am your love victim

كــُــنــَّــا نــُــعــَــانــِــقُ فــِــي الــظــَّــلامِ دُمــُــوعــَـــنــَـــا

We were embracing our tears in the dark

وَ الــقــَـــلــْــبُ مــُــنــْــكــَـــســِـــرٌ مــِـــنَ الــعــَـــبــْـــرَاتِ

And the heart broken by tears

هــَـــذِي الــنــِّــهــَــايــَـــةُ لــَــمْ تــَــكــُــنْ أبــَــداً لــَـــنــَــا

This end should never have been ours

هــَــذِي الــنــِّــهــَــايــَــةُ قــِــمــَّــةُ الــمــَـــأســَـــاةِ

This end is the top tragedy

مــَــا كــُــنــْــتُ أعــْـــرِفُ وَ الــرَّحــِــيــلُ يــَــشــُــدُّنــَــا

I have never known, while departure was pulling us

إنــِّــي أُوَدِّعُ مــُــهــْــجــَــتــِــي وَ حــَــيــَــاتــِـــي

That I am saying goodbye to my heart and life

مــَــا كــُــنــْــتُ أعــْـــرِفُ وَ الــرَّحــِــيــلُ يــَــشــُــدُّنــَــا

I have never known, while departure was pulling us

إنــِّــي أُوَدِّعُ مــُــهــْــجــَــتــِــي وَ حــَــيــَــاتــِـــي

That I am saying goodbye to my heart and life

لــَــوْ أنــَّــنــَــا لــَــمْ نــَـــفــْـــتـــَــرِقْ .. لــَــوْ .. لــَــوْ ..

If only we hadn’t parted .. if .. just if …

رَغــْـــمَ الــرَّحــِــيــلِ .. رَغــْــمَ مــَــا فــَــعــَــلــَــتْ بــِــنـــَـــا الأيــَّـــامُ

Despite the departure and what the days have done to us,

قــَــلــْــبــِـــيَ لــَــمْ يــَــزَلْ يــَــحــْــيــَــا وَحــِـــيـــداً بــِــالأمــَـــلْ

My heart is still living alone with hope

أنــَــا يــَـــا حــَــبــيــبــَـــةَ كــُــلِّ أيــَّــامــِـــي قــَـــتــيـــلــُـــكِ فـــِــي الــهــَـــوى

O, love of my days, I am your love victim


Ornament Colour B06

Check us back soon

Peace ســـَــلام /Salam/

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About the Author:Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.


  1. Muhamed Huseinbašić:

    Congratulations! Keep doing this.