Norwegian Language Blog

Tag Archives: Christmas

Sprites of ChristmasPosted byon Dec 25, 2014

If you go to Skandinavia in desember, you’ll most certainly encounter little men (and women) with pointy røde luer (red caps) everywhere: In butikker (shops), in private homes, på tv [paw teh-veh] (in television). No, you’re not mad! Say hello to the nisser… The typical nisse looks like an old man with a langt, hvitt…

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Happy RomjulPosted byon Dec 30, 2013

Norwegians just can’t get enough of jula (”the christmas”). When the whole family has received their gaver (gifts) on julekvelden (Christmas Eve, December 24th), there is still første og andre juledag (1st and 2nd day of Christmas, December 25th and 26th), a time for eating and visiting friends. (Hva fikk du i julegave i år?…

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God Norwegian Jul!Posted byon Dec 24, 2012

Hurra (hooray), it’s jul [yule] again! In Norway, julefeiringa (the Christmas celebration) reaches its zenith on December 24th. People leave their jobs early this day (around 12 o’ clock), and schools and kindergartens are closed. Everybody is getting prepared for the Great Evening, the julaften [YOOLaftn] or julekveld [YOOL-eh-kvel] (Christmas Eve). The whole day people are busy with the last forberedelser (preparations). The Christmas dinner has…

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